Why we need Mechanical Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)?

The primary purpose of Mechanical FMEA is to anticipate and prevent potential failures in mechanical systems before they occur, minimizing their impact on performance, safety, and reliability. Key reasons for conducting Mechanical FMEA include:

1. Risk Reduction:
Identify potential failure modes early in the design or operation phase to reduce the risk of failure during actual use.
2. Improve Reliability:
Enhance the reliability of mechanical components by understanding failure mechanisms and implementing corrective actions to address them.
3. Ensure Safety:
Prevent failures that could lead to unsafe conditions, ensuring the safety of users, operators, and the environment.
4. Cost Savings:
Avoid costly failures and downtime by addressing potential issues before they lead to significant problems in production or operation.
5. Compliance:
Meet regulatory or industry standards that require a systematic risk assessment, such as ISO 9001, ISO 13849, or IEC 61508.

What is we need Mechanical Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)?

Mechanical Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic approach used to identify potential failure modes in mechanical systems, assess their impact, and prioritize actions to mitigate the risks. It helps improve the reliability and safety of mechanical components and systems by analyzing how they might fail and what effects these failures could have on system performance and safety.

Mechanical FMEA involves several key components that systematically analyze potential failure modes:
1. Failure Mode Identification:
Identifying the different ways in which a mechanical component or system can fail (failure modes). This includes failures due to wear, fatigue, incorrect material selection, improper assembly, misalignment, etc.
2. Effects of Failure:
Assessing the effects of each failure mode on the system or component’s function. For example, does the failure result in a complete loss of function, reduced performance, or a safety hazard?
3. Severity Ranking (S):
Assigning a severity rating to each failure mode based on the potential consequences. Higher severity ratings are given to failure modes that result in significant safety hazards or critical system failures.
4. Cause Analysis:
Identifying the root causes of each failure mode, such as incorrect tolerances, material defects, environmental factors (e.g., corrosion), or poor maintenance.
5. Occurrence Ranking (O):
Estimating the likelihood (probability) of each failure mode occurring. Failure modes that are more likely to happen are given higher occurrence rankings.
6. Detection Ranking (D):
Evaluating the likelihood that the failure mode will be detected before it causes an issue. If a failure is hard to detect, it gets a higher detection ranking, indicating the need for better detection methods.
7. Risk Priority Number (RPN):
Calculating the Risk Priority Number by multiplying the severity (S), occurrence (O), and detection (D) ratings. The RPN helps prioritize which failure modes require the most immediate attention.
8. Recommended Actions:
Based on the RPN, suggesting actions to reduce the risk of failure. This could include design improvements, material changes, maintenance protocols, or inspection techniques.
9. Re-evaluation:
After implementing recommended actions, re-evaluate the failure modes to check if the risks have been sufficiently mitigated and if the RPN has been reduced.

How to Implement Mechanical Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)?

1. Define the Scope:
Start by defining the boundaries of the analysis. Decide whether the FMEA will focus on individual components, subsystems, or the entire mechanical system.

2. Assemble a Cross-Functional Team:
Gather a team of experts with knowledge of the mechanical system, including designers, engineers, operators, and maintenance personnel. This ensures a comprehensive analysis from different perspectives.

3. Identify Potential Failure Modes:
Using brainstorming sessions or past experience, identify all possible ways in which the mechanical components could fail. This may involve reviewing design documents, material specifications, and operational data.

4. Analyze Failure Effects and Causes:
For each failure mode, document the potential effects on system performance, safety, and reliability. Also, identify the root causes of each failure mode to understand why it might occur.

5. Assign Severity, Occurrence, and Detection Ratings:
Use a predefined scale (usually from 1 to 10) to rate the severity, likelihood of occurrence, and ability to detect each failure mode. These rankings should be based on engineering judgment, past data, and industry standards.

6. Calculate the RPN:
Multiply the severity, occurrence, and detection ratings for each failure mode to calculate the Risk Priority Number. The RPN provides a numerical value to prioritize which failure modes require the most immediate action.

7. Develop Mitigation Strategies:
Based on the RPN, develop recommendations to mitigate high-risk failure modes. Actions might include design changes, introducing redundancy, improving materials, or adding monitoring systems.

8. Implement and Verify Actions:
Implement the recommended actions and verify their effectiveness through testing, simulations, or further analysis. Ensure that the changes reduce the RPN and mitigate the risks effectively.

9. Document the Process:
Maintain comprehensive documentation of the FMEA process, including the failure modes, rankings, recommendations, and actions taken. This documentation provides traceability and supports future decision-making.

10. Continuous Review and Updates:
Mechanical FMEA is a living document. As new information becomes available (e.g., during testing, production, or operation), revisit the FMEA to update failure modes, rankings, and mitigation actions.


Mechanical FMEA is an essential tool for identifying and mitigating potential failure modes in mechanical systems. By following a structured approach to evaluate the likelihood, effects, and causes of failures, Mechanical FMEA helps organizations improve the reliability and safety of their systems, reduce costs, and comply with relevant safety and quality standards. Through effective documentation and continuous updates, Mechanical FMEA supports the long-term success of mechanical systems across various industries.