Why we need Mechanical Fault Exclusion?

The primary purpose of Mechanical Fault Exclusion is to optimize the design and assessment of safety-related mechanical components by recognizing and justifying the exclusion of extremely unlikely faults. The key reasons for applying fault exclusion include:

1. Simplifying Risk Assessment:
By excluding highly improbable faults, the complexity of risk assessment and safety analysis can be reduced.
2. Enhancing Design Focus:
It allows engineers to concentrate on more probable faults and their mitigation, leading to a more efficient and effective design process.
3. Maintaining Safety Integrity:
Ensures that while certain faults are excluded, the overall safety of the system is not compromised, as the exclusions are based on sound engineering judgment and standards.
4. Supporting Compliance:
Facilitates compliance with relevant standards by providing a structured approach to justify the exclusion of certain faults in mechanical systems.

What is Mechanical Fault Exclusion?

Mechanical Fault Exclusion is a concept used to justify the omission of certain fault considerations in the risk assessment of mechanical components in safety-related parts of control systems. It acknowledges that under specific conditions, certain mechanical faults are so unlikely that they can be excluded from the safety analysis. This helps in simplifying the design and assessment process while still maintaining safety integrity.

1. Fault Exclusion Justification:
Establishing and documenting a clear rationale for why specific mechanical faults are considered so improbable that they can be excluded from safety analysis. This is typically based on factors such as proven in-service reliability, robust design, and the use of high-quality materials.
2. Component Selection Criteria:
Defining criteria for selecting mechanical components that qualify for fault exclusion, such as using components with a history of reliable performance or components made to certain industry standards.
3. Design and Manufacturing Considerations:
Ensuring that components subject to fault exclusion are designed, manufactured, and assembled in a way that minimizes the likelihood of faults. This might include redundancy, conservative design margins, or quality control measures.
4. Documentation and Traceability:
Maintaining thorough documentation that justifies the exclusion of specific faults, including the rationale, evidence, and engineering judgment used to make the decision. This documentation must be traceable and available for audits and reviews.
5. Review and Approval Process:
Implementing a process for the review and approval of fault exclusions by competent authorities within the organization, ensuring that exclusions are justified and align with safety objectives.

How to Implement Mechanical Fault Exclusion?

1. Identify Potential Faults:
Begin by identifying all potential mechanical faults in the safety-related parts of the control system. This should be done through a comprehensive risk assessment process.

2. Evaluate Fault Likelihood:
Assess the likelihood of each identified fault occurring. This evaluation should consider factors such as the component’s design, materials, operating environment, and historical performance data.

3. Justify Fault Exclusion:
For faults deemed extremely unlikely, provide a detailed justification for excluding them from the safety analysis. This justification should be based on sound engineering principles, industry standards, and empirical data.

4. Document Fault Exclusions:
Create detailed documentation for each fault exclusion, including the rationale, supporting evidence, and any assumptions made. This documentation should be maintained throughout the lifecycle of the system.

5. Design and Material Considerations:
Ensure that the design and materials used for components with fault exclusions are of the highest quality, with proven reliability. Implementing rigorous design and quality control measures is critical.

6. Review and Approval:
Submit the fault exclusion justifications for review by a qualified safety committee or authority within the organization. This review ensures that the exclusions are valid and do not compromise safety.

7. Monitor and Review Exclusions:
Regularly review fault exclusions to ensure that they remain valid over time, especially if operating conditions change or new data becomes available. If necessary, revisit the risk assessment and adjust the exclusions accordingly.

8. Communicate Fault Exclusions:
Clearly communicate the fault exclusions to all relevant stakeholders, including designers, operators, and maintenance personnel, to ensure that they understand the limitations and assumptions involved.


Mechanical Fault Exclusion is a strategic approach used to simplify the design and safety assessment of mechanical components by justifying the exclusion of extremely unlikely faults. By following a structured process of evaluation, documentation, and review, organizations can maintain safety integrity while optimizing their risk assessment and design processes. Proper implementation of fault exclusion ensures that safety-related control systems meet their required performance levels without unnecessary complexity.